No matter what we look like
or where we come from, most of us believe in creating a better future for our kids. Together, we can create a Florida where prosperity is shared and where every person has the freedom to thrive.
To do this, we must learn
about our shared past, including the history of discriminatory laws and policies that have limited the ability to thrive for most Floridians, particularly for Floridians of color. We must also learn about the times when we came together across our differences to create laws and policies that benefited all of us.
Public schools are places where children come together to learn and prepare to be citizens in our democracy. Because of this, public schools often serve as centers of our communities, connecting neighbors with neighbors, and providing resources and support - from health care to cultural celebration.
Worker Justice
Every Floridian deserves access to a quality job that provides a living wage; a job where the employer fosters equitable workplace practices and empowers workers. In a truly thriving economy, working Floridians get to share in the prosperity created by that work. However, Florida’s policies have historically prioritized profits and corporate interests over people, especially workers of color, people paid low wages, and immigrants.
Learning from Our Policy Past to Shape Our Future
By learning about our past, we give ourselves the knowledge we need to shape a better future – one in which every Floridian, of every race in every corner of our state, can reach their full potential.
When We Come Together
We all lose when policy decisions limit who can thrive. But when Floridians come together to pursue a better future, everyone wins.